Media and Information Literacy: Day 9

For our ninth day in MediaLit1718, we discussed about the Types of Media.

        Before we got onto our discussion, Sir Opiana had given us a little activity where we had to identify if the media that was flashed on the screen was either print, broadcast or new media. My answers to the activity can be found below.

After this short activity, we were asked to give our own definitions of:

a.) Print Media
It is any text or information that can be printed on paper. This type of media might only be limited to areas. For example, newspapers focus more on the current events in its country rather than other places.

b.) Broadcast Media
Any information that can be delivered through the use of radios and televisions.

c.) New Media
New media involves the use of the latest technology to deliver and receive information and news.

        We then moved on to unlocking and discussing about the definitions of these types of media. Its complete definitions can be found below:

a.) Print Media
Media consisting of paper and ink, reproduced in a printing process that is traditionally mechanical.

b.) Broadcast Media
Media such as radio and television that reach target audiences using airwaves as the transmission medium.

c.)New Media
Content organized and distributed on digital platforms.

        Shortly after this discussion, we talked about Media Convergence, the co-existence of traditional and new media. It is also the ability to transform different kinds into digital code. Since we unlocked the definition of Media Convergence, we were tasked to do a short activity that can be found below (with answers).

For the last part in our class, we were asked to make a synthesis that:
  • Describes how new technologies have led to the convergence of traditional and new media.
  • Explains how media convergence creates new opportunities for interaction.
  • Describes the use of one or two forms of new media to share knowledge and information on a current issue in society.
  • Explains how a person could be portrayed in public in the age of media convergence.
        New technologies have been able to connect traditional and new media in order to make peoples lives easier. For example, they have been able to record shows that were broadcasted on television to enable people to re-watch it again. Media convergence provides the easy exchange of information and communication between people all around the world. One form of new media to share knowledge and information on a current issue in society is the personal blogs of various people. In that way, people can post their opinions and thoughts about an issue.

        I think that a person's portrayal in public would be balanced since in the age of media convergence, traditional and new media merges. In other words, in media convergence, a person's digital self and personal identity merges.


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