Media and Information Literacy: Day 6

        For our sixth day in our subject, Sir Opiana gave us a set of questions that are related to what will we be discussing for the next few days. He gave his time in our period for us to answer these questions and put them in a draft.

        The questions were about the Internet of Things or IoT for short. According to what I read, the Internet of Things refers to the rapidly growing network of connected objects that are able to collect and exchange data using embedded sensors. From the cellphones that we use to interact on social media to the televisions that broadcasts our favorite shows everyday--stuff that is related to IoT became part of our daily lives now.

My answers to the set of questions that our teacher gave can be found below:

In your own words, define Internet of Things.
        Internet of things is a connection between stuff that has the ability to access the Internet.

What brought this theory about?
       I based my definition of IoT through the word “Internet.” This word can be associated with networking, connection and interaction of people through the use of mediums that can access the Internet.

Do you like the concept of IoT? Why or why not?
        I like the concept of IoT since I’m in the generation which uses gadgets for benefits like studies, entertainment and social interaction. The IoT helps me in gaining more information on what is happening around my community, country and the world.

In what situations do you encounter IoT in the Philippines?
  • ABS-CBN News broadcasting current events in the country
  • The use of cellphones to exchange messages with other people
  • Cars that use the GPS in order to navigate places
How do you think IoT will evolve and affect Filipino society in the next 3 to 5 years?
        I think that our society’s improvement would depend on how fast the IoT advances in the Philippines. Filipinos would be more dependent on the IoT especially in the areas of communication and information.

What do you think is the relationship / cause and effect of IoT in media and information literacy?
        In my opinion, I think that the relationship between IoT and media & information literacy is that: in order to maximize the potential of the IoT, you would need the essential skills and competencies that allow people to engage with media and other information providers in the IoT effectively.

        To summarize, I think that IoT plays a big part in our generation (since we were born in an era where technology advanced a lot). As it develops, we should learn on how to handle it properly and responsibly in order to reduce the negative effects of its evolution.


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