Media and Information Literacy: Day 7

        For the seventh day in our second semester, we discussed about Information Literacy. As an introduction to a new topic, our teacher asked us about the most influential person in my life and made us answer the questions who, what, where, when, why and how. My answers to the activity can be found below:

Who? (Who is this person?)
My dad, Jay-ar A. Sarmiento.

What? (What was the person's role in my life?)
I thing that my dad's role for me was to be my guidance in times of hardships. He always supports me in everything I do and asks me how he can be of help when I'm having difficulty in school or with my friends.

Where? (Where did this person influence you?)
My dad influenced me the most in my personality, habits and sense of humor. His jokes, most of the time, makes no sense at all. His repetitive behavior of joking eventually rubbed off on me.

When? (When did you realize this person's influence on you?)
I realized his influence on me since we are close and most of our characteristics are the same.

Why? (Why did you choose to get influenced by that person?)
I chose to get influenced by my dad since I like the way how he handles himself and how he interacts with people.

How? (How did this person influence you?)
My dad is always around the house and we often talk. In my opinion, the people who you interact with the most are the ones that can heavily influence you.

        Our teacher stated that the questions who, what, where, when, why and how is asked in order to gain or gather basic information and can be used for wider discussion on a certain topic. These questions were also known as the stages or elements of Information Literacy.

         Moving on to our main discussion, Sir Opiana defined Information Literacy as the ability to recognize when information is needed and to locate, evaluate, effectively use and communicate information in its various formats. The table given below is the detailed version of the stages or elements of Information Literacy:

To conclude our discussion, our teacher gave us a situation:

"According to the weather forecast, there is no typhoon. However, your locality is experienceing heavy rainfall, while some parts in your province / region are already flooded. There are reported incidents of landslide, evacuation, stranded vehicles and drowning. As a student, what are you going to do?"

        We were expected to analyze and give our thoughts and opinions using the following table on that situation. My answers can be found down here:

        In conclusion, I learned more about on what Information Literacy is and the importance of asking the basic questions to gain more knowledge on a particular subject.

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