Media and Information Literacy: Day 2

         For the second day of our second semester, we discussed and unlocked the definitions of media literacy, information literacy, technology literacy, and media and information literacy. According to our teacher, these four terms were commonly misunderstood as to only having the ability to be literate on the areas of media, information and technology. So before we proceeded on to our lesson, Mr. Opiana asked us to list our misconceptions on the four terms. My answers can be found below:
  • Media literacy is only knowing and being responsible for what you post online.
  • Being informatively literate is based on what information you have.
  • A technologically literate person knows how to use and gadgets responsibly.
  • Media and information literacy is having the ability to post necessary and true information in the areas of media.
          According to our discussion, literacy involves a continuum of learning, wherein individuals are able to achieve their goals, develop their knowledge and potential, and participate fully in their community and wider society. Once literacy is combined with either media, information and technology, it explores more and goes deeper about these three different subjects.

Continuing on with our lesson, our teacher asked us to imagine ourselves as journalists assigned to make an article on a certain subject. He also gave us a design framework to fill up on. The table can be seen below:

          I chose to tackle the subject of climate change. I wanted to increase the awareness of the people of this progressing problem and what they can do in order to help solve this problem. The medium that I will be using most likely is Facebook, since almost all of the people in the world use it. I would want to not just use media for the sake of my entertainment and satisfaction, but for also reaching out to people who are unaware or are forgetting that our world is still facing lots of problems and we need their cooperation in solving them.


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