Media and Information Literacy: Day 14

        For the fourteenth day of our MediaLit1718, we continued our lecture from day 13. This time, our teacher asked us to analyze the following pictures:

Ferdie Marco:



We were asked to fill up a table, my work can be found below:
Ferdie Marco
Target Audience
Men/boys who wants to have nice skin
People who have authority to vote
People who want to go to Mayon/ go sightseeing
Sponsors of the product
Ferdie Marco
Your Brother company
For people to get bright and energized skin
For people to vote him in the city of Marikina
For people to enjoy exploring Mayon
Key Content
Skin product
Advertisement of McDonald’s
Advertisement of rental of ATVs
Social Media


What information codes, conventions and messages about our country is communicated through advertisements?

        An example of the portrayal of information codes, conventions and messages about the current events in our country is through advertising Christmas products in December. One can easily interpret that this advertisement is for the season of Christmas through the use of decorations related to it.

If you are to create a postcard for a place or organization of your choice, what technical and symbolic codes would you use to convey important information and create the desired impression? Why?

        I would most likely put up a picture of the place itself and talk about its important facilities available for people to use it. For example, if I were to create a postcard for a hotel located near the beach, I would put up a picture of the nicest view in order to catch the audience's attention and put up the available offers in case they would want to stay there.

How can understanding of the technical and symbolic codes contribute to media and information literacy?

        One's understanding of the codes are important since it affects how an individual understands a certain symbol. One can misinterpret its message so he/she would need help in understanding it through getting other people's opinion about it.



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